Terrorism (E-learning) |
3. On your personal English blog, discuss your views on terrorism. How is it affecting you –are you afraid? What will you do about this matter? (150 words)
To me, terrorism is a major news that everyone should be told about. Those who know about the news can help by alerting more people around them about terrorism in the country. Terrorism might seem harmless to those people who think that they are not the ones the terrorists are wanting to attack. But, they are wrong. If they are not the ones the terrorist want to attack, it does not mean that terrorist are harmless to them. In fact, they are not harmless to anyone, everyone has the risk of being a victim.
Terrorist might plant bombs at places in that country just to attack the person they want to. Which will cause innocent victims at the scene to get hurt. As long as the terrorist is not caught, anyone can be the victim. Hence, everyone should keep themselves alert of suspicious people whom may be a terrorist and suspicious articles that may be something explosive.
Yes, terrorism affects me. I do not want to be innocently bombed into pieces. Imagine having your body parts strewned on the ground, having your head flying off your body, onto the train track. You wouldn't want that, neither do I. Hence, we have to help capture the terrorist.
To reduce the number of victims getting hurt, I will spread the message of the terrorist to as many people as possible, specially to those I know. By sacrificing a little time of yours to help a handful of people who are possible victims. Maybe, those people whom I had alerted, has seen this terrorist and can report him/her to the police so that nobody will get hurt in a possible explosion.
(278 words)
Labels: e-learning
VIGIKOH posting
places i have never visited, but wish to go. |

From the pictures above, where do you think you can see all those beautiful scenery?
Japan Hokkaido? BINGO! You've guessed it.
The best time to go there is around late June till early August. It is when most the flowers bloom into their vibrant colours. Why do I want to go there personally when I can see them online? This is because I would like to enjoy the scenery there and feel them, breathe in their fresh aroma and enjoy being there. For me, I enjoy nature more than any technology. Being in the beautiful nature allows me to relax myself. There is this feeling I am not able to describe from inside me how much I want to go experience everything there physically.
Being able to eat the delicious sashimi and local delights there was what I desire to eat most as a picky eater. The ice-cream in Singapore is nothing compared to the ones in Hokkaido. They are very tempting. During the period where the flowers there bloom, the sea urchins there are one of the treasures as they only come out in that period of time. The sea urchins are caught in baskets from the sea and then taken to the factory to extract the meat. This sound pretty gross until you get to taste them. From the documentary program I have watched, they say that the sea urchins taste better than the little treats. They are much tastier than any sweets we eat and it is not at all bitter. If I am there, I would definitely want to visit one of the restaurants which I have seen in the documentary. He can make many dishes using sea urchins. Chawamushi, baked sea urchins and sea urchin rice practically almost in any cooking style you can think off. Most of all, sea urchins can be eaten fresh, just like our sashimi.
Hopefully, i will be lucky enough to experience one of the performances on street in Hokkaido for their events. They would dress up in Kiminos and other costumes to dance on the streets.

The 2nd place I would like to visit is Taiwan! Where you can eat all you want and shopping spree. All you get for shopping are cheap deals. Most of them are of reasonable prices. Plus travelling there is cheap. Bus fare of less than a dollar can bring you from one to the other end of the city. Of course, not forgetting the beautiful sceneries you get to see in Taiwan. My camera will be filled with thousands of picture. If you have watched the movie 'Cape 7' you will know what I mean and understand how much I would like to go the North side of Taiwan (Tainan). I would like to visit the places being filmed in 'Cape 7' specially the house Fan Yi Cheng lives in the movie and the seas they have been.
(485 words)
Labels: places...
VIGIKOH posting
Summary |
According to legend, Ethiopian goatherd discovered coffee cherries. Coffee started as main intakes for African tribesmen. Coffee is on of the top in value in trade sold in large quantities worldwide as it is a popular drink. in 1975, a frost killed many coffee trees in Brazil which changed the price greatly. In 1979, frost hit Brazil again. Every tree lost result in no income for three to five years. The income lost is huge considering 15 million trees were lost. Brazil had to stop the export of coffee while importers bought more afraid of the shortage. Coffee prices increased and farmers planted more then it was in abundant and prices fell. Farmers began replacing coffee with other crops. Both producers and consumers decided to limit production to what the market can absorb, plus have a reserve and sell at and agreeable price.
(143 words)
Labels: summary
VIGIKOH posting
Childhood memories |
Nothing can be compared to the fun times I had when I was young. Not even the latest technology. Though I am commonly seen as the only girl within the boys playing games at the playground, they never left me out. In the past, my brother and I loves going down to meet out fellow friends from the surrounding blocks to play. Games such as blind mice, catching and police and thieves were the most commonly played by children of our age at that time. Everyone gets sick of the same old games, we do too. Hence, coming up with new games were what we all did best. Games are the most fun when they do not include any technology but just plain nature around us. We can do magic with just leaves and branches fallen from the trees.
Gabriel, Russel and Sanon, they are brothers and live in the 4th floor opposite block of ours. Whenever my brother and I go to the playground with no other playmates, we would shout out their names and they would rush to see whose calling them. Some times, a friend of ours, Wee Kiat, would come join us in our games. He told us he wished he could play with us more often but, we all know how strict his mother can get.
There was this game, this really crazy game we all came up with, teacher teacher. Got us all wild at the playground our parents could not recognize us. In this game, it is like a small skit, we got into different roles but with no scripts. We just come up with our own lines and crank up loads of noise from the things around us and our voices filling up the whole area. As young children, we believe teachers study a lot and people who study a lot wear spectacles. We used the fallen branches and bent them into spectacle frames and wore it on our ears. Yes, indeed it is dirty but as children, we do not know that. As for students, we know that we need pencil (in kindergarten and lower primary, we use pencil instead of pen) and paper. We used the ground as our “paper” and as for the “pencil” we would use the red rocks around the small shelter near the playground. There is this rock which is covered with mud and it is dried up giving out brown or red. These stones vary in sizes from big to small just like stones. They are one of the most common items we use for drawing. What about erasers? We would just use our slippers to rub them off. It will always start from the classroom. Like schools, we do have our principal too! “Presenting… Gabriel, our principal! Applause please!” he would walk out proudly from the shelter lifting his head up walking with his hands behind his waist walking proudly. Then he would start scolding “students”, “why you not in your class get back now!”. Gabriel and I in the game were in the higher position compared to the others as we were the oldest (He and I are of the same age). So he played the principal and I played the teacher while the rest played the students. In “class” the “students” would act like little gangsters going on defiance with the “teacher” using slippers as “guns” and start creating havoc to the place. We would run from blocks to blocks, playground to playground, level to level on a wild goose chase. The “principal” and “teacher” will be chased by the “students” on their scooters and bicycles with badminton rackets, shutter-cocks, rocks, leaves and slippers throwing at you. They almost threw Sanon (he is the youngest, hence the lightest) at us. Jumping of the slides of the playground while being chased used to be one of the most dangerous acts that can be done in the playground. All those havoc could get us going on from afternoon 3 plus till 8 plus in the evening when the sun sets. We were always having so much fun we didn’t want to rest for the day and go home when our parents called. Though it doesn’t sound fun here, but if you experience them, you will think that it is one of the happiest moments in your childhood. Gabriel’s and his brother’s parents loved my brother and I and always invite us to their house for tea in the afternoon. Their house was like toy city, a place where by you can see toys at every corner of the house. Ice cream was something their mother love to treat us to.
There were a couple of times when the exams are around the corner, Wee Kiat, Gabriel and I would go to the table under my block to study. While Wee Kiat’s sister, Gabriel’s brothers and my brother will be playing at the playground.
But as time past, technology and studies got more and more into our lives… we do not go down to play as often as we did before. Slowly, we don’t even meet until lantern festival when everyone goes down to play with candles. I still remembered once, all of us together with some other friends we made who lived in my block, lit up candles around the playground. At that time, it was when everyone got together to block the win and light up the candles again. This is commonly seen in the 1980s where technology is not advanced and when children see each other more often to play. This is a very rare scene happening in the 2000s when children of different ages and family comes together to get things done. It was a very memorable experience. I didn’t go down last year; I was at my grandmother’s house but would definitely go down this year to see all my friends. Wee Kiat didn’t go down last year too. He was in Malaysia at his grandparent’s house. Hopefully, when my brother and I go down this year, we would see all the friends we had when we were young.
(1019 words)
Labels: childhood memories
VIGIKOH posting
reflective summary |
From this project, I have learnt that conserving biodiversity means to protect and maintain a nature reserve of all forms of life such as plants, animals and fungi from going extinct.
I use to think that orangutans can be found easily in any forest in Asia. It is only after this research then I know that are only found in South Asia and they are endangered animals as their species have decreased from hundreds of thousands to less than 50 000 to 60 000 and now, three-quarter of them could be found in Borneo.
Why are orangutans endangered? It is due to destructive human activities such as intense permitted logging, illegal logging, settlements, road constructions, conversation to palm oil plantation and farmlands. Logging cuts down the habitats of the orang-utans, settlements and conversion of forests to palm oil plantation and farmlands clears the forest for our needs. Road constructions disturbs the habitat, there is a risk whereby animals might run onto the roads then being run down by oblivious drivers, especially truck drivers. Clearing the forest for palm oil plantation includes burning as ashes left behind are fertilisers to the palm trees in which causes global warming and pollution to the air quality. More palm trees must be planted as there is a world growing demand for products which major ingredient is oil, such as soap and lipstick.
We can help conserve orangutans by not buying or selling endangered animals or animal part, not buying products made of endangered animals(e.g. ivory and rhinoceros horn), not buying food made of endangered animals, report to authorities if you know of anyone who endangered animal parts and save paper or use recycled paper.
We can also help save their habitats by building more high-rise apartments than using more land to build low-rise apartments, producing more recycled paper, producing lesser products made of oil, promoting conservation campaigns and educating people.
(316 words)
Labels: English AA
VIGIKOH posting
reflective journal 5 |
My suggestions are to build more high-rise apartments than using more land to build low-rise apartments, produce more recycled paper, produce lesser products made of oil, promote conservation campaigns and educate people.
Building more high-rise apartments t saves land. This will decrease the clearing of forests for settlements.
By producing more recycled paper, helps to reduce the cutting down of logs to make paper. Why more recycled paper? If recycled paper is seen commonly on sale, more people will buy it.
If we produce lesser products made of oil, palm oil companies will not have to clear more forests to plant palm trees.
Educating people will teach them how to save the endangered animals. Hence, instead of hunting them for their skin, they will encourage people not to hunt for their skin. By doing this, it can teach those people who treated hunting as sport to find something more meaningful to do.
Promoting conservation campaigns helps to inform the world that what some of us have done indirectly caused the plants and animals to be endangered and that what we have done have caused global warming and the worsening of air quality.
We can all help in some way to save the endangered ones.
(204 words)
Labels: English AA
VIGIKOH posting
reflective journal 4 |
We can all help to save the endangered animals by not buying or selling endangered animals or animal part, not buying products made of endangered animals(e.g. ivory and rhinoceros horn), not buying food made of endangered animals, report to authorities if you know of anyone who endangered animal parts and save paper or use recycled paper.
By not buying endangered animals, animal parts, any food or products made out of endangered animals, means there will be a decrease in demand of those animals. Hence, lesser animals will be hunted for. If we know about people who sell or buy endangered animals or endangered animal products, we should report them to the authorities so that they can track down the hunters of these endangered animals and stop them.
By saving paper and using recycled paper, lesser logs will be cut down to make paper. Logging of forest will lead to shrinking of habitats, one of the main causes of animals becoming endangered.
We can also help by using lesser oil and products made of palm oil as palm oil plantations have used many of the forests to grow palm trees. As said in the previous reflective journal, there is an increase in demand of oil to make products such as lipsticks and soap. Hence, we can help by using lesser lipsticks and use soap made of lesser oil.
(227 words)
Labels: English AA
VIGIKOH posting